Tuesday, November 27, 2012

On My List

Track 6 - Volume 1
Production (Hands-off): Nujabes – 624 Part 1

Some people call it a spark; some people call it chemistry. Whatever it is you call it, it’s all the same: you met someone new and now you wonder about what it would be like to have sex with them (or just be with them, but let’s be serious).

Now, everyone knows that feeling, and if the two parties involved are lucky, they will get the answer to the what-if. Unfortunately for most people, life isn’t that easy. Even if two people both acknowledge the “spark”, there could any number of things getting in the way of what I call “spark exploration” (some people call it “hooking up”, but fuck them). One person could be in a committed relationship (regardless of whether or not they’re feeling it), another could be dealing with issues that don’t allow them the time or mental energy.

Sometimes it’s because one of the people is so god damn cocky that they think they can come back to the other when they’re done fucking about, convincing themselves that they just weren’t ready to be in a relationship.

So keeping that last example in mind, let me tell ya’ll a story.

You know, I really meant to call. I really did. I just got caught up in life, with work and trivial bullshit.
No, I didn’t lose your number, but what a blunder. I waited too long to hit you up, and now I wonder about hypothetical situations.
Where instead of thinking you’d be around, I knew you’d be sick of waiting.
But being me, I moved on to another one. Convinced myself I wasn’t ready to give what a type like you would really want.
The kind of type that makes you want to do it right. To get all of that stupid shit out of your system cause this one just might be more than the prototype, be more than just a fling.
But it don’t matter cause you’re with another one, but here’s the thing:

You know I’ll be around, cause you’re on my list.
Not saying you’re some prize to be won, but still I kind of want to make you my princess. Yes, you know I’ll be around, cause you’re on my list.
Not saying you’re some prize to be won, but still I kind of want to make you my princess.

So we finally meet back up, but it seems things changed.
Yes, I stopped giving a fuck. Yet I can’t shake the feeling that I’m getting gamed.
Where as before you’d hit me back almost immediately, now when I hit you up I don’t hear back for at least a week?
And though I swore to myself that I was done playing the game, there’s always a woman that’ll pull you back and make you feel insane; with the eyes, with the body: what a hottie.
Should of had control, but then I can’t deal with girls so haughty.
I should’ve known, I shouldn’t have tried to bury the bone; I shouldn’t have tried to take control, cause now I’m pissed and home alone.
I’m wishing that I could go back in time, and make myself realize that girls like you are pretty rare, a dozen gems for such a dime.
But now I'm grasping at straws. Hoping that you just missed my call, but I'm pretty sure I'm being ignored.
But that’s the way it goes, for a guy such as myself. Good enough to be played with and then put back up on the shelf.

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