Wednesday, November 28, 2012

This isn't a Breakup Song

Track 10 - Volume 1
Production: Flow Revere

Ah, relationships. Sometimes they're great, sometimes they're amazing. A lot of the time they're fucking wack.

It's kind of funny that no matter how long a relationship lasts, it's always going to follow the same arc. You meet the person, sparks fly, you get to know them, you get to know them naked, and then you date each other until one party decides that they're no longer interested. This could happen over a three year period, or over a fucking week. It's all the same (except for post-break-up recovery time).

Sometimes, that last part doesn't happen. Some people even make it all the way to the marriage stage! Even then though, there's a slight chance it won't work out. Slight being 50 percent. Maybe 49. Who knows, things might be better now.

Inspired heavily by the beat, I combined different aspects from past relationships and ex-girlfriends and made them into one. It's not a break-up song though.


Ugh. That dream again, the one in which we’re still together. Can’t get you off my mind, I thought by now I’d be much better.

It’s kind of funny though, cause every single time that I think back I start to miss the good things we had. Focus on things that I thought I lacked.
I guess I wasn’t good enough. Didn’t give enough attention, or have a good job.
Maybe my temper was too short; I know that sometimes I made things hard.
But then memory intervenes and shows me the things I tend to forget. The times you took me for granted play through my mind like a black and white vignette.
Love makes you blind they say, and what they say isn’t far from the truth. Like rose tinted glasses, you see things better than they are, the opposite of astute.
And look, I’m not even mad; I don’t intend this to be a break-up song. Cause in my mind, I’m much better for it. It’s not really about who was right or wrong.

And just to clarify, this isn’t a breakup song.

It all started with you talking to another dude, you claimed he was just a friend. Though that sign was marquee sized, I ignored it like Biz and tried to contend.
I could tell this dude was feeling you, but feeling myself I didn’t see it as a threat. It wasn’t until it was too late, though I’ll admit it’s not something I regret.
The fact is, you didn’t even know yourself, which is why you were so oblivious. Can’t fault you for not being the girl I thought you would be with that first ignorant kiss. 
So of course, a reason for breaking up pops up, and we go our separate ways.
I say never again, until I get a text months later saying I miss you with a smiley face.
God damn it. Here we go again.
Sure, we can just be friends with benefits. That’ll work out for about two weeks to a month until we’re back in an unofficial relationship.
Like a show with too many plot holes, problems that pop up are always old.
We must’ve jumped the shark a minute ago, yet we still drag it out like we don’t know.  
What a vicious cycle.

And just to clarify, this isn’t a breakup song. 

Now I’m sure a lot of other guys and girls can attest: that while relationships are good, for the most part they just aren’t worth the mess.
The drama that follows is such a pain, it puts stress on your friendships.
Sides are picked and if you share the same ones you might just be left friendless.
And then finally it’s over, no seriously, you say I’m done with that bitch
You really are, until another girl comes along and you start feeling that itch
Just to scratch it you try to date her, you say that this one is different somehow.
You tell your friends all about her, but when they meet her they say, “Uh, she’s funny style.”
You ask what it means, but inside you already know. Once again you decided to mess with a girl that for all intents and purposes might as well be a ho.
It’s not like she’s sleeping around, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t have trust. It just goes to show, I really have to stop dating girls purely based on lust. 

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